Yoga Advent Calendar

Day 03 - Sunday

Rest and Contemplate
Today, while you rest from your physical practice, I encourage you to contemplate this phrase:
"A yoga pose begins when you want to leave it"
Keeping your mind calm in challenging poses is huge part of yoga practice. Once mastered, this skill can be used universally - it allows you not to be blown away by your emotions, but to stay calm and take mindful decisions in difficult situations in your everyday life.
(This is one of the reasons I myself continued to pursue yoga practice - I noticed huge differences in my emotional state and my reaction to hardship or day-to-day challenges.)

So, next time you practice - as soon as you notice that your mind starts to panic and urge you to leave a pose - tell yourself that you do not need to react to this first urge, but gently bring your attention to your breath, try to relax and hold the pose for 1-2 deep mindful inhales and exhales. Remember to be good to yourself if you do not succeed right away - practice makes perfect!

Have a nice Sunday, I look forward to practicing with you again tomorrow!

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